Acupuncture Treatments and Fertility
At Acupuncture Tree of Life, we start with an in depth consult and evaluation to look at the root of what may be causing the difficulty in conceiving a healthy pregnancy and why.
We work together and you are met at where you are in your journey of conception, whether you are preparing for a natural pregnancy or you have had many failed IVF cycles and want to start with a fresh outlook.
If you are using Acupuncture only for Pre and Post Embryo Transfer or taking 3 months to get your body ready for the next cycle, you are met with all the tools we can use together to optimize this process. Numerous studies have shown that you can increase your chances of pregnancy by 30-50% when incorporating nutritional and herbal therapies with stress management tools alongside Acupuncture treatments.

Resources for your fertility journey
Relevant Websites:
Acubalance Fertility: Website and Printable Fertility Diet Guide
It Starts with the Egg: The Science of Egg Quality for Fertility, Miscarriage, and IVF.
Rebecca Fett and Melinda Wade. Third Edition, 2023.
Real Food for Fertility: Prepare your body for pregnancy with preconception nutrition and fertility awareness. Lily Nichols and Lisa Hendrickson-Jack. 2024.
Real Food for Pregnancy: The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition.
Lily Nichols. 2018.
Real Food for Gestational Diabetes: An Effective Alternative to the Conventional Nutrition Approach. Lily Nichols. 2015.
Yes, You Can Get Pregnant: Natural Ways to Improve Your Fertility Now and into Your 40s. Aimee Raupp M.S., L.Ac. 2014.
Postpartum Acupuncture
Postpartum is a sacred and magical time that can also be very exhausting. In some part of the world, as it was with our indigenous ancestors, this period of a women's life was held sacred and cherished by nurturing her for 40 days. New moms are cooked for, cared for by her family members and her community.
In Eastern medicine, postpartum is treated as a special time and opportunity to strengthen the new mothers body either for the next time she gets pregnant or for having a healthier pre-and post-menopause. This postpartum phase is an energetic window to nurture and nourish your energy system using acupuncture and Chinese medicine nutritional wisdom.
Acupuncture can help postpartum issues such as:
supporting lactation
hormonal imbalances
pelvic pain and c-section recovery, scar treatment
mental health, postpartum anxiety and mood fluctuations
reduce fatigue and help with energy recovery and revitalization

Changes in Serum Cortisol and Prolactin Associated with Acupuncture During IVF
Magarelli, PC, D Cridennda, M Cohen 2009. Fertily & Sterility 2009 in press Fertility and Sterility
Use of Acupuncture before and after embryo transfer
Dalton-Brewer N et al. Human Fertility, 2010 Vol 12 No 4 212 - 255
Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy
Paulus W et al. Fertility and Sterility, 2002 Vol 77, pg 721-724
Acupuncture & IVF poor responders: a cure?
Magarelli P, Cridennda D. 81 Suppl 3 S20 Fertility and Sterility, 2004
Quantitative evaluation of spermatozoa ultrastructure after acupuncture treatment for idiopathic male infertility. Pei J et al. Fertility and Sterility, 2005 July
Reduction of blood flow impedance in the uterine arteries of infertile women with electro-acupuncture
Stener-Victorin E, et al. Human Reproduction, 1996
A Pilot Study Evaluating the Combination of Acupuncture with Sildenafil on Endometrial Thickness
Yu W et.al. Presented at the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society Annual Conference, 2007
Stress reduces conception probabilities across the fertile window: evidence in support of relaxation
Buck Louis GM et al. Fertility and Sterility, 95, 7, pg 2184 - 2189, 2011